Durban University of Technology, South Africa

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J&C Joel manufactured and installed a complete set of Front of House curtains, a curtain tracking systems and perimeter curtains within the Durban University of Technology’s Arthur Smith Hall.

To completely refurbish the stage in the Arthur Smith Hall, J&C Joel provided Oxford blue Velvet Velour (VEL045) Front of House curtains and valance.

Both the stage curtains and valance were lined with J&C Joel’s black Bolton Twill (BT005) and finished with gold tasseling on the bottom edges.

The curtains were made with a chain pocket base, while the valance was made with a lead wire pocket base and a fullness of 50%.

J&C Joel also manufactured and installed black Super Wool Serge (WS003) curtains on the hall’s stage as well as a variable speed motorised curtain track which was fitted immediately upstage of the proscenium from which the front of house curtain was hung.

Curtains for the window and door alcoves around the hall were manufactured from slate Dimalan (DIM037), a fabric perfect for masking windows where near blackout conditions are required. Sewn with a fullness of 50% and manufactured with hemmed sides and a chain pocket base.